J.K. Rowling's first book depicts Harry Potter and his journey to Hogwarts with Ron and Hermione and his fight with Lord Voldemort's allies.

Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone

Author: J.K. Rowling.

Genre: Fantasy Literature.

Series: Yes, Book 1 of the series.

Published: 1997.


Story Setup

Harry has been an orphan since his parents died when he was a little child. His life is miserable at Privet Drive where he is living with his uncle, aunt, and cousin brother because he is being constantly bullied by them.

10 years pass and it is just before his eleventh birthday,he receives many letters having some important information related to him that his uncle and aunt do not want him to know.

On his eleventh birthday, a special friend named visits him, revealing his admission to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is very happy to know that he will no longer stay with his uncle and aunt and he is a wizard.

Journey to Hogwarts

The friend exposes the details of how Harry’s parents got killed by a dark wizard. Also, helps him in getting the desired stuff ready for Hogwarts. It is during his journey to Hogwarts that he meets his best friends Ron and Hermione for the first time.


Harry is famous in Hogwarts because of his mark and his encounter with the dark wizard at a young age while his parents were fighting with the dark wizard saving him. He is a part of Gryffindor house at Hogwarts with his friends Ron and Hermione.

His life at Hogwarts is amazing as he is learning magic there, flying on a broomstick which makes him part of the famous sports event of Hogwarts. He along with Ron rescues Hermione from trouble which makes them best friends.

Philosopher’s Stone

The trio (Harry, Ron, and Hermione) discovers a dog guarding the stone. They try to capture the stone before anyone else can do because the stone has special powers. In the end, Harry encounters the dark forces and grabs the stone.

Rest, you need to read as I haven’t revealed many details about the plot of the book. Read and find out the details about Harry’s adventure in his first year at Hogwarts.

My Thoughts

The book’s simple language allows it to be read by all age groups again and again. It is engaging from start to end. It allows to open the gates of imagination and fall into a magical world where you can find amazing things and characters.

The characters show support for Harry. The book describes him as brave enough to fight with the dark forces even after this is his first attempt. It displays all kinds of emotions like comedy, love, affection, sadness, anger, fear, and friendship.

One cannot keep down this book once one starts reading. There are no dull moments and by the end of the book you will start loving the characters. The book is captivating in short and will make you read the other books belonging to this series.

I will give this book a rating of 4.5 out of 5.

If you are someone who wants to develop a habit of reading fictional books, go for this.

Also, if you want your kids to develop reading habits, you can ask them to read this book so that they have the urge to read more about this story.

Although, there can be more illustrations and pictures in the book as I have more inclination towards visual 😛

I am attaching links to buy this book (some can be very costly) :


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